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In a day there are 24 hours or 60 Ghati. The hour starts from midnight while Ghati starts from the time of Sunrise. So to convert Ghati into hours and minutes we need to know the Sunrise time of that day.

For example, let’s convert 12 Ghati 22 Pal written as (12|22) to the time in hour an minutes. Let’s suppose sunrise time that day was 5:45 am.

We know that 60 Ghati = 24 Hours

1 Ghati = 24/60 Hours

12 Ghati = (24/60)* 12 Hours

i.e, 12 Ghati = 8.8 Hours

Since 1 Pal = 1 minute we can directly add Pal to minute

So, 12 Ghati 22 Pal = 8.8 hours + 22 minutes = 8 hour + (.8*60) + 22 minutes = 9 hour 10 minutes.

Now we know that Sunrise time was 5:45 am, so we have to add 9 hours 10 minutes to it. That is 5:45 + 9:10 = 14:55 pm

Hence, 12 Ghati 22 Pal is equal to 2:55 pm when the sunrise was at 5:45am